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We live in a "sick" world...

Being recently diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, my research has led to me to the fact that our world is very sick. We have been told wrong by doctors, government and media on how to eat. There has been very little information about our wonderful bodies and the "doctor within." Once I started my research, I found there are many, many people who know how to fix our health with what, and when we eat...but it is still not mainstream. The adverse effects of sugar is still not mainstream. Sure, we get little tidbits here and there, but not in a powerful enough message to change many minds.

What I have found is that intermittent fasting (for normal people, not body builders) along with a low carb hight fat (LCHF) lifestyle will cure so many things by rebooting our system and its hormones (that seem to control almost everything). It has already been an enlightening and health beneficial experience. To me, Dr. Jason Fung will turn out to be a savior of the world if his ideas and thoughts will continue to spread.

I also came across a wonderful website called This website has a plethora of information about all kinds of health topics including intermittent fasting and LCHF. There is lots of free information, but it is a website that does subscriptions. Currently, it is $9.00 per month, with a 30 day free trial. It is well worth it! You can even watch a bunch of videos they prepared with Dr. Fung. Check it will be glad you did!

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