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Texas Diabesity Society, P.B.C.

In October, Suzanne and I launch the Texas Diabesity Society...a Public Benefit Corporation. Our goal is to educate people on the health benefits of the Low Carb Healthy Fat, or ketogenic lifestyle of eating, the many, many health benefits of time restricted eating (intermittent fasting), and other holistic endeavors. All naturally, without drugs. We have already had several classes with more to come. The mainstay of the classes/seminars are in four parts.

Part 1 - Diabesity. Part 1 of four repeating seminars that will be offered. There will be compilation of videos that simply explain the problem of diabesity and the free tools that change everything. The videos last about an hour. Then there will be time for questions and answers. For most of you that attend...this will be a life transformation!

Part 2 - Intermittent Fasting...the most powerful tool on the planet for getting healthy. Part 2 of four repeating seminars that will be offered. There will be compilation of videos that describe the most powerful tool on the planet for getting healthy. The videos last about an hour. Then there will be time for questions and answers. For all of you that attend…this will be jaw dropping!

Part 3 - LCHF/Keto...the way to eat! Part 3 of four repeating seminars that will be offered. There will be a compilation of videos that make the ketogenic way of eating simple. Very simple! The videos last about an hour. Then there will be time for questions and answers. Finally, once and for all, learn how we were truly meant to eat!

Part 4 - Advanced Tips for Getting and Staying Healthy. Part 4 of four repeating seminars that will be offered. This has more advanced tips on getting and staying healthy. Again, there are no food or products being sold. We truly believe in getting healthy with knowledge…not drugs!

No other classes offer what we offer. We teach you why you get sick and fat and teach you how to completely reverse your weight issues...long term. We also teach you how to completely cure your type 2 diabetes and get off your medications! Truly, you won't hardly believe your transformation!

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