Texas Diabesity Society, P.B.C.
In October, Suzanne and I launch the Texas Diabesity Society...a Public Benefit Corporation. Our goal is to educate people on the health...
Root Cause of all Metabolic Issues...
Understanding our fat storage hormone insulin and how it is effected by the food that we eat, as well as other factors, is so very...
First - "The Obesity Code," now "The Diabetes Code."
These two books should be owned by everyone...especially doctors. These books, for the first time, explain why we get fat and why we get...
YouTube Channel for "IF I were thin..."
Well, I've finally finished and launched my online course. I'm using the Teachable platform to teach my course. The course page can be...
Keto - It's a Family Thing!
This whole LCHF/Keto/IF thing is catching on and transforming lives. It is an amazing sight to see. This lifestyle change makes all the...
Learn about LCHF and IF...
I'm forever getting involved in discussions about low carb high fat (LCHF) and intermittent fasting (IF). It was beginning to take up...
The Exercise Myth...
I've said this over and over again. Many, many others have said it! Weight control is NOT about calories and it is NOT about exercise....
Benefits of Doing Nothing!
As busy as life is...as hard as life can get...wouldn't it be nice to get some great benefit from doing nothing? That is what happens...
Fix Your Metabolism!
This is a great video that we all need to see! It is by Dr. Eric Berg about fixing your metabolism. Great Stuff! Click the picture to...
Fasting Videos for Free!
Want to learn about fasting quickly...from the expert, Dr. Jason Fung. Then join Diet Doctor.com free for one month. You will have...