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"Let your 'health' become your new addiction!" ~Jessie Ong

If you Google "food addictions" you get 429,000 results. It is obviously a serious concern, especially, with obesity and diabetes running amok. The calories in calories out theory has not worked, the low fat diet theory also has not worked. And, they certainly don't do anything about our food cravings.

I didn't really think of my food cravings as an addiction. I just thought...I love food! I never knew the difference between "head" hungry and "stomach" hungry. Believe me, there is a big difference. The way our bodies work, they won't let us starve for a very, very long time. Whenever we miss a meal, or even several, our bodies get energy from our fat storage. Not only have I learned this by studying about intermittent fasting, but I have experienced it first hand. I just recently did a 92 hour intermittent fast. I don't even think of myself as missing a meal...I just feed off of my fat!

I have a few waves of hunger the first 24 hours or so, but after that, I'm just not stomach hungry. It is weird! After doing a few fasts, my cravings for food have disappeared. It is so powerful and liberating. Being able to completely control food cravings is a miracle. It is a miracle of our wondrous body design.

I'm not saying I don't ever have some chocolate or dessert once in awhile, I do. But I'm not craving the sweets, sodas, crackers and chips. It makes it so much easier to have a few now and then. Intermittent fasting (IF) has given me the power I need to release 30 pounds of weight, not to have to go on diabetes medication, and just generally feel great.

So, Get Into the FAST Lane of Your Dietary Health! You will be amazed...I promise!

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