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Back from the cruise...

We had a great time going on our cruise. We visited Cozumel, Belize and Isla Roatan. The first two ports were okay, but Mahogany Bay in Roatan was absolutely amazing. The beach, the water, the scenery, everything, was fantastic! One of the most amazing things that happened was the "lovers rain" as I call it. At one point everyone could see rain heading our way. Many people packed up to head back to the ship. But for us, it was way too early. We wanted more time there. So we, along with some others, decided to stay and hang out in the water during the rain. It was warmer in the water than out in the rain shower. It was all so cool. Seeing the individual raindrops make their splash in the beautiful Caribbean water, looking at the splashes from eye level. Amazing! It turned out to be very romantic! Many of the couples in the water, including us, found this a great time to do some smooching. The rain let up and after a few minutes started again, this time with some heavier wind. We stayed out in the water anyway, feeling so wonderful and alive. Then the rain stopped and within 15 minutes it was bright and sunny again. Wow! What fun!

We tried keeping a low carb high fat lifestyle of eating in mind as we made our food selections. It is actually very easy to do with all the amazing food options on a cruise. We did have or share a dessert with every dinner. Not to mention some fruity Caribbean drinks! Which is why we each gained about two pounds during the cruise week. But now we know how to release that weight quickly with a nice intermittent fast.

Checking out after getting home, I found a link to a cool website about vintage eating. The site is called Eat The Butter. The address is Click on the picture of the site's Top Ten Food Rules and it will take you to the site. Just remember, many advice givers like to make up rules for us to following, but in reality, they are just suggestions. The only rules you have to follow are the ones you make for yourself! And, even those are questionable! LOL

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