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Understanding Insulin Resistance...

I can't stress how important understanding insulin resistance is for our everyday health. This is Type 2 Diabetes! This is the cause for obesity! Our doctors understanding of this function of our bodies is the root cause of so many of our modern society's health issues. Dr. Jason Fung has been discussing this for over three years and it is just now starting to catch on. Click on the picture to go to his blog. He discusses it once again. It is a great article. It may be too technical for many that haven't delved into this subject before. If nothing else, here is the most important bit of information from the last paragraph:


"The correct treatment of the overflow paradigm is to empty out the BODY, not just the blood of the excessive glucose. How? LCHF and intermittent fasting. And guess what? That’s EXACTLY what we see clinically. As we start fasting type 2 diabetes patients, they lose weight, their medication requirements go down and eventually it reverses."

~ Dr. Jason Fung

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