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Best LCHF Site Contest!

The very best website for low carb high fat (LCHF) as well as intermittent fasting (IF) is by far This site has an amazing amount of free information about LCHF/IF as well as recipes, videos and more. Everyone, I mean everyone, should check out this site. You can become a member for the low cost of $9 per month. This gives you access to even more information and videos. People, people, people...this is the way we are supposed to eat. We are supposed to eat "real food" whenever we can. This site not only covers what we should eat, but maybe more importantly, WHEN we should eat. They have some wonderful videos about intermittent fasting with Dr. Jason Fung. The author of "The Obesity Code" and "The Complete Guide to Fasting." Again, the knowledge on this site is the best nutrition information anywhere. And, very importantly, this site has no corporate sponsorship. There is no industry, food or pharmaceutical or any other, using money to influence what goes on this site.

Now the site is having a membership contest. The member count on Diet Doctor keeps growing extremely rapidly. Back in January they passed 20,000 members and now they are getting close to… 30,000 members! They have had amazing support. They would like to celebrate by having another prize competition.

Check out the site at You will be glad you did!

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