I Am - Meditation/Affirmations
I've said it before...YouTube content is amazing. It is endless in its learning information and entertainment benefits. Over the past...
Folks, Carbs Are Sugar!
A year ago, I could not have told you that carbohydrates (carbs) are SUGAR! Apparently, this is not a secret. I have found many people...
Carb Loaded - A Great Movie
This is a great movie. It shows why we are in the predicament that we are in when it comes to diabetes and obesity. Everyone should...
Best LCHF Site Contest!
The very best website for low carb high fat (LCHF) as well as intermittent fasting (IF) is by far DietDoctor.com. This site has an...
Crack Slaw...It is better than chili!
I make a really good bowl of chili. No surprise, since I love to cook and I live in Texas. It is the state dish of Texas! But, learning...
So easy!
I got a tweet from Dr. Fung today, that was retweeted from The Diet Doctor. It is about a gentleman that wrote in about how LCHF was so...
How to Burn Fat!
As you look around, it is amazing how almost everyone is struggling with weight! It is especially hard since I've lost some weight and...
People, People, People!
People, People, People! We have been told WRONG for decades! This is the way to eat. Please check out this video!
Understanding Insulin Resistance...
I can't stress how important understanding insulin resistance is for our everyday health. This is Type 2 Diabetes! This is the cause for...
The Complete Guide to Fasting
Dr. Jason Fung has another best seller. This time he teamed up with Jimmy Moore, who was no "light weight" in the area of loosing weight....