Learn about LCHF and IF...
I'm forever getting involved in discussions about low carb high fat (LCHF) and intermittent fasting (IF). It was beginning to take up...
So easy!
I got a tweet from Dr. Fung today, that was retweeted from The Diet Doctor. It is about a gentleman that wrote in about how LCHF was so...
The Complete Guide to Fasting
Dr. Jason Fung has another best seller. This time he teamed up with Jimmy Moore, who was no "light weight" in the area of loosing weight....
Kindred Spirit - Butter Bob!
I just found my kindred spirt in the get healthy world! He calls himself - Butter Bob. He makes great videos with all the wonderful...
Ahhh...Bone Broth
When you start learning about intermittent fasting, you always end up hearing about bone broth. Why is that? Because it is something you...